Totally missed the new trend of using license plates as art. While I find them quite appropriate when nailed to the walls - interior and exterior - of garages and outbuildings, the thought of them as being saucy inside a home leaves me gagging.
It's starting to weird me out a bit that she obviously lives with other people who should be able to give her some pointers, yet she seems like a lost little island in a vast sea of mysterious housekeeping tasks.
It's not rocket science. OP is wasting time trying to clean a dirty oven, had it more than 2 years, and it wasn't clean then. That's a whole other issue, shudders at the thought not cleaning when moving in . OP used "home-made" cleaner, but it won't work on the oven glass. Why is it so hard to turn on the self-clean feature? Even more astounding
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So the inevitable apologetic "OMG I am not a racist" post has been made in the gardening community (see previous post). The gold is in the comments. Did you guys know that 'this whole racism thing' has been blown totally out of proportion in America? Well, didja?
So you know tampons and pads and all of those sensible products that women use when they're having their period? Forget all that! I'm just going to be free and bleed all over the place. Great idea, right?
My favorite part is how she has kids but doesn't feel that bleeding everywhere in front of them will be any issue.